Thursday, May 24, 2012

Here I just finished up a Pie Safe/Cabinet
This piece is built of Saplted Pecan,
 It Measures 48" high, 32" wide and about 13" deep

This piece is 100% solid stock pecan, which means, the Top, Sides, Shelves, Floors, and backing are all solid pecan.                                                                                  I did a pickwick molidng profile on book match boards for the backing.The customer will do a hand rub oil finish on it, and once that is on it will really bring out the lines and color.

 Now if your unsure of the term spalting, basicly it is the early stages of decomposition, and most of the color and lines that you see are from different Fungi that develops in the wood cells.
Just to keep this brief, one type of Fungi causes pigmentation which can change the color in wood from blue to brown , red etc,
 another is called White rot, this is a little more advanced stage of decomposition. Now when the pigmentation stage and the White Rot stage are next to each other in the wood, that creats a black or dark line/pencile line.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Childrens Computer Desk & Chair

Alright, here is another fun project for me, Well most of my projects are fun anyway. This is a childs computer desk and chair that I did for the Childrens Library section at the Dunnellon Public Library.
   The two piecs are made of Maple, and I used standared table construction techniques, on the table and chair.

 The two pieces were stained to be a simular match to the rest of the furniture in the library