Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Alright,  had a customer come in and had several printer pictures
of benches in hand and wanted me to pick a design.
Well I usually don't stick to printed design and never really build anything by plans. 
Now I may incorporate certain ideas but most of the  I get on a roll and do my own thing.
This customer is building a water garden with water falls so ta speak where they can sit and relax.
 They wanted a bench about 8' long, well it's hard to get a finished 8' product out of 8' stock,
 however I did manage to get the bench to clean up nice at 7'
Be sure and click on the picture to enlarge.

 I don't know what happened here but I got the camera tilted on the one below

 The customer will be doing the finishing on the bench,
when it was picked up they mentioned they would like a coffee table and 2 end tables.
Will see.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


O.K. Here is a lil project that went out several weeks ago.
An older gentleman stopped in and was intrested in a table
 something not of the ordenary, so after a bit of talking over ideas, it was decided on a cedar table.
 He was excited about it and new it would be a table he could leave to his kids.
Enough of that, here's the table, be sure and click on the image to enlarge, and there not great, took pictures with me cell phone.